Selected Charities

Aviation helps to serve our communities in five main non-profit areas: Education, Animal Welfare, Environmental, Humanitarian, and Health/Medical. Express Air Foundation is proud to select the following five aviation-focused charities who have demonstrated their ability to impact at least one of these five main non-profit areas. Neither Express Air nor Express Air Foundation is affiliated with any of the selected charities nor does either receive any compensation or benefits from them.

At 100,000 Total Miles, the grant recommendation will be given for:

Experience Aviation

Non-Profit Aviation Focus: Education
Experience Aviation touches the lives of thousands of kids nationwide, bringing them amazing and innovative STEM learning opportunities. Recently, the Verizon Foundation made a strong commitment to work with leading nonprofits and chose us, Experience Aviation, to bring even more opportunities to schools everywhere. Verizon, through their Verizon Innovative Learning initiative, brings free technology, free access and immersive hands-on learning opportunities to kids in under-served schools and communities, inspiring tomorrow’s creators to use technology to build brighter futures for themselves, their families and the world.

At 200,000 Total Miles, the grant recommendation will be given for:

Pilots To The Rescue

Non-Profit Aviation Focus: Animal Welfare
Pilots To The Rescue (PTTR) is a non-profit, volunteer-driven, 501(c)3 public benefit aviation organization. PTTR's mission is to transport domestic and endangered animals at risk. PTTR supports its network of trained volunteer pilots so they can focus on their missions and do the greater good.

At 300,000 Total Miles, the grant recommendation will be given for:


Non-Profit Aviation Focus: Environmental
LightHawk brings aviation and conservation together to improve efforts to protect land, water and wildlife. The aerial perspective provides a better understanding of the ways environments are connected and how policies impact life on the ground. Many nonprofit organizations lack the resources to effectively harness the gift of flight. LghtHawk's program priorities are focused on areas where aviation can make a significant contribution.

At 400,000 Total Miles, the grant recommendation will be given for:

Air Serv International

Non-Profit Aviation Focus: Humanitarian
Air Serv International has been assuring humanitarian relief workers fast, safe and reliable access to remote locations. Air Serv provides humanitarian ... Our flights save lives! For over three decades, Air Serv has helped bring hope to people who faced the devastation of floods, hurricanes, drought, famine and civil war. We fly in first responders and assessment teams, water, medicines, food, and evacuate the injured. Air Serv makes it possible for emergency relief and development teams to access areas where the infrastructure is minimal or nonexistent.

At 500,000 Total Miles, the grant recommendation will be given for:


Non-Profit Aviation Focus: Health/Medical
AeroAngel is a unique aviation charity that provides free transportation, primarily to children, traveling to distant, life-saving medical care. There is no other organization in the country providing dedicated flights to children's hospitals for medically fragile children who cannot safely fly on a commercial airline flight or drive, but who do not need an air ambulance. Our flights are all conducted on business jets flown by a crew of professional pilots. There is no cost to the families we help.

*Grant recommendations will be made to Fidelity Charitable who will then complete their due diligence to ensure the charity is a 501(c)3 organization and then make the final decision as to the grant award.